
Recently, as part of our circle geometry studies, Gen8 Math students stretched their brains by competing in a “Pi” competition.

FYI – the number π is a mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, commonly approximated as 3.14159. It has been represented by the Greek letter "π" since the mid-18th century, though it is also sometimes spelled out as "Pi".

The challenge of memorising as many decimal placings of Pi was posed to the whole class, and many of the students accepted the mathematical dare.  This was not a situation to take lightly, as Pi has an infinite number of decimal placings, with no apparent pattern.

In fact, the world record for the most decimal places of Pi memorised is 70,000; and was achieved by Rajveer Meena (India) at the VIT University, Vellore, India, on 21 March 2015. Rajveer wore a blindfold throughout the entire recall, which took nearly 10 hours. Phew!

Although our Summerland competition was held in a mere single period, the competition was fierce, with the placings altering with every attempt. Finally, it became apparent that Leah Wilson, Lucas Romilio and Sebastian Amber were the ones to beat with their amazing digit recitation.

Eventually, Sebastian was crowned the winner with a score of 61 decimal places  -3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459.


 And what was on offer to the victor? No, not a pie, but a giant block of chocolate and the thrill of being Pi Champ 2017.



~ Article written and images supplied by Mrs Langford. 

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